• STADYN Praha s.r.o.

    Welcome to the STADYN website. We offer comprehensive services not only in the field of structural engineering. Designs, analysis, inspections, acceptances of building structures, as well as welding supervision or non-destructive testing.

  • STADYN Praha s.r.o.

    Welcome to the STADYN website. We offer comprehensive services not only in the field of structural engineering. Designs, analysis, inspections, acceptances of building structures, as well as welding supervision or non-destructive testing.

  • STADYN Praha s.r.o.

    Welcome to the STADYN website. We offer comprehensive services not only in the field of structural engineering. Designs, analysis, inspections, acceptances of building structures, as well as welding supervision or non-destructive testing.

  • STADYN Praha s.r.o.

    Welcome to the STADYN website. We offer comprehensive services not only in the field of structural engineering. Designs, analysis, inspections, acceptances of building structures, as well as welding supervision or non-destructive testing.


Statika staveb, výpočty, posudky a projekty pozemních staveb…

Plánování, dozor, kontroly, přejímky svařovaných konstrukcí, vypracování postupů svařování, instrukcí…

NDT kontroly svarů vizuální zkouškou, vypracování instrukcí i výstupních protokolů.


My name is Petr Pospisil. I’ve been working as structural engineer for ten years, currently as a welding engineer and in non-destructive testing.

I’m able to find suitable and economical solutions while at the same time maintaining quality and safety. I’ve worked on projects from different countries such as Slovakia, Ukraine, Sweden, Italy, Emirates, Arabia and of course Czech Republic. Since November 2018, I’ve been a member of “The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians” with the authorization in the field of statics and dynamics of buildings.

I studied at Czech Technical University in Prague. My branch of study was Civil Engineering with a focus on Building Structures from steel. I’m trying to educate and broaden my qualification or skills constantly.


Ive certificate as “International Welding Engineer”, “NDT Inspector VT2 dw” and Im Autodesk Certified Professional in AutoCAD.



STADYN Praha s.r.o.
Korunni 2569/108, 101 00, Praha 10 – Vinohrady
Czech Republic

There is no office at the given address.

Registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Entry No. 337480, on 16 September 2020

Business ID No.: 09517171
VAT ID No.: CZ09517171

Contact person

Ing. Petr Pospisil, IWE
Cell phone: +420 724 926 364
E-mail: info@stadyn.cz

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